JSON Serial Commands
All messages sent between the Rodeostat and the host PC are sent as serialized JSON. This section provides a brief introduction to to these commands and the associated responses to the command returned by the device.
The Potentiostat class provides a high level interface implementing this protocol - so you don’t need to know the details of the JSON serial commands in order to use the Rodeostat with Python. We provide the details here in order ot enable a more complete understand of how the device functions and to assist those who wishing to develop their own custom programming interfaces with the Rodeostat.
The basic form of the commands sent from the host PC to the Rodeostat are JSON objects with the key “command” whose value specifies the name of the command. Additional arguments, which are specific to the command, are given as key/value pairs. The names and number of the required additional arguments are specific to each command.
{"command": "command name", "arg1": "val1", "arg2": "val2"}
The response from the device, in turn, is a JSON object containing a key named “success” whose value is a boolean specifying whether or not the command was successful. If the command was successful the boolean value will be true and the object will contain a key named “response” whose value contains the response from the device. The response itself consists of a number of key/value pairs which are specific to the command. However, reposonse will always contain the key “command” whose value specifies the name of the command generating the response.
{"success": true, "response", {"command": "command name", "key1": "val1", "key2": "val2"}}
On the other hand if the command was unsuccessful the boolean value will be false and the object will contain the key “message” whose value contains an error message from the device.
{"success": false, "message": "error message from device", "response": {}}
List of commands
- getVariant
Returns a string representing the hardware variant
{CommandKey: GetVariantCmd}
Example command:
Example response:
- stopTest
Stops (any) currently running tests
{CommandKey: StopTestCmd}
Example command
Example response:
- getVolt
Returns the output voltage setting, i.e, the potential between the working and reference electrode.
{CommandKey: GetVoltCmd}
Example command:
- setVolt
Sets the output voltage setting, i.e., the potential between the working and reference electrode.
{CommandKey: SetVoltCmd, VoltKey: volt}
Example command:
{"command":"setVolt", "v": 0.5}
Example response:
- getCurr
Gets an immediate measurement of the working electrode current.
{CommandKey: GetCurrCmd}
Example command:
{"command": "getCurr"}
Example response:
- getRefVolt
Gets an immediate measurement of the potential between the working and reference electrode.
Form: .. code-block:
{CommandKey: GetRefVoltCmd}
Example command:
{"command": "getRefVolt"}
Example response:
- getParam
Returns the current values of the parameters for the specified voltammetric test.
{CommandKey: GetParamCmd, TestKey: testname}
Example command:
{"command": "getParam", "test": "cyclic"}
Example response:
{ "success":true, "response": { "command":"getParam", "test":"cyclic", "param":{ "quietValue":0, "quietTime":0, "amplitude":1, "offset":0, "period":1000, "numCycles":10, "shift":0 } } }
- setParam
Sets the parameters for the specified voltammetric test.
{CommandKey: SetParamCmd, TestKey: testname, ParamKey: param}
Example command:
{ "command": "setParam", "test": "cyclic", "param": { "quietValue": -0.1, "quietTime": 1000, "amplitude": 1.5, "offset": 0, "period": 1000, "numCycles": 10, "shift": 0 } }
Example response:
{ "success": true, "response": { "command": "setParam", "test": "cyclic", "param": { "quietValue": -0.1, "quietTime": 1000, "amplitude": 1.5, "offset": 0, "period": 1000, "numCycles": 10, "shift": 0 } } }
- setVoltRange
Sets the output voltage range (V)- used when setting output voltage manually.
{CommandKey: SetVoltRangeCmd, VoltRangeKey: volt_range}
Example command:
{"command":"setVoltRange", "voltRange": "2V"}
Example response:
- getVoltRange
Gets the current value for the output voltage range (V).
{CommandKey: GetVoltRangeCmd}
Example command:
Example response:
- setCurrRange
Sets the range setting for measuring working electrode (uA).
{CommandKey: SetCurrRangeCmd, CurrRangeKey: curr_range}
Example command:
{"command":"setCurrRange", "currRange": "100uA"}
Example response:
- getCurrRange:
Gets the device’s range setting for measuring working electrode current (uA).
{CommandKey: GetCurrRangeCmd}
Example command:
Example response:
- getDeviceId
Gets the current value of the device identification number
{CommandKey: SetDeviceIdCmd, DeviceIdKey: device_id}
Example command:
Example response:
- setDeviceId
Sets the current value of the device identification number.
{CommandKey: SetDeviceIdCmd, DeviceIdKey: device_id}
Example command:
{"command":"setDeviceId", "deviceId": 1}
Example response:
- setSamplePeriod
Sets the sample period (ms) used for measurements. The sample period is the time between samples.
{CommandKey: SetSamplePeriodCmd, SamplePeriodKey: sample_period}
Example command:
{"command":"setSamplePeriod", "samplePeriod": 20}
Example response:
- getSamplePeriod
Gets the current value for the sample period (ms). The sample period is the time between samples.
{CommandKey: GetSamplePeriodCmd}
Example command:
Example response:
- getTestDoneTime
Gets the time in milliseonds required to complete the specified test including any quietTime, etc.
{CommandKey: GetTestDoneTimeCmd, TestKey: test}
Example command:
{"command": "getTestDoneTime", "test": "cyclic"}
Example response:
{ "success": true, "response": { "command": "getTestDoneTime", "test": "cyclic", "testDoneTime": 11000 } }
- getTestNames
Gets the list of the names of all tests which can be performed by the device with the current firmware.
{CommandKey: GetTestNamesCmd}
Example command:
{"command": "getTestNames"}
Example response:
{ "success": true, "response": { "command": "getTestNames", "testNames": ["cyclic","sinusoid","constant","squareWave","linearSweep","chronoamp","multiStep"] } }
- getVersion
Gets the version string for the firmware on the device.
{CommandKey: GetVersionCmd}
Example command:
{"command": "getVersion"}
Example response:
- getHardwareVersion
Returns string representing the hardware version.
{CommandKey: GetHardwareVersionCmd}
Example command:
{"command": "getHardwareVersion"}
Example response:
- setRefElectConnected
Sets the connected state (True/False) of the reference electrode. This feature requires hardware version >= HW0.2
{CommandKey: SetRefElectConnCmd, ConnectedKey: value}
Example command:
{"command": "setRefElectConnected", "connected": true}
Example response:
- getRefElectConnected
Gets the connected state (True/False) of the reference electrode. This feature requires hardware version >= HW0.2
{CommandKey: GetRefElectConnCmd}
Example command:
{"command": "getRefElectConnected"}
Example response:
- setCtrElectConnected
Sets the connected state (True/False) of the counter electrode. This feature requires hardware version >= HW0.2
{CommandKey: SetCtrElectConnCmd, ConnectedKey: value}
Example command:
{"command": "setCtrElectConnected", "connected": true}
Example response:
- getCtrElectConnected
Gets the connected state (True/False) of the counter electrode. This feature requires hardware version >= HW0.2
{CommandKey: GetCtrElectConnCmd}
Example command:
{"command": "getCtrElectConnected"}
Example response:
- setWrkElectConnected
Sets the connected state (True/False) of the working electrode. This feature requires hardware version >= HW0.2
{CommandKey: SetWrkElectConnCmd, ConnectedKey: value}
Example command:
{"command": "setWrkElectConnected", "connected": true}
Example response:
- getWrkElectConnected
Gets the connected state (True/False) of the working electrode. This feature requires hardware version >= HW0.2
{CommandKey: GetWrkElectConnCmd}
Example command:
{"command": "getWrkElectConnected"}
Example resposnse:
{"command": "getWrkElectConnected"}
- setAllElectConneced
Sets the connected state (True/False) of all the electrodes (referene, counter and working). This feature requires hardware version >= HW0.2
{CommandKey: SetAllElectConnCmd, ConnectedKey: value}
Example command:
{"command": "setAllElectConnected", "connected": true}
Example response:
- getAllElectConnected
Gets the connected state (True/False) of all the electrodes (referene, counter and working). Only True if all are connected. This feature requires hardware version >= HW0.2
{CommandKey: GetAllElectConnCmd}
Example command:
{"command": "getAllElectConnected"}
Example response:
- setElectAutoConnect
Set auto-connect/auto-disconnect feature. If auto-connect is set to True then the ref, ctr and wrk electrodes will be automatically connected at the beginning of each test and automatically disconnected at the end of each test.
{CommandKey: SetElectAutoConnCmd, AutoConnectKey: value}
Example command:
{"command": "setElectAutoConnect", "autoConnect": true}
Example response:
- getElectAutoConnect
Gets the value of the device’s auto-connect/auto-disconnect setting.
{CommandKey: GetElectAutoConnCmd}
Example command:
{"command": "getElectAutoConnect"}
Example response:
- setRefElectVoltRange
Sets the voltage range for the reference electrode analog input.
{CommandKey: SetRefElectVoltRangeCmd, VoltRangeKey: volt_range}
Example command:
{"command": "setRefElectVoltRange", "voltRange": "2V"}
Example response:
- getRefElectVoltRange
Gets the device’s voltage range setting for the reference electrode analog input.
{CommandKey: GetRefElectVoltRangeCmd}
Example command:
{"command": "getRefElectVoltRange"}
Example response:
- runTest
Runs the test with specified test name and returns the time, voltage and current data.
{CommandKey: RunTestCmd, TestKey: testname}
Example command:
{"command": "runTest", "test": "cyclic"}
Example response:
followed by streaming data
{"t":20,"v":-0.1,"i":-2.799983} {"t":40,"v":-0.1,"i":-2.8295} {"t":60,"v":-0.1,"i":-2.936976} {"t":80,"v":-0.1,"i":-2.782137}
… etc
{"t":10980,"v":-1.38,"i":-28.1935} {"t":11000,"v":-1.5,"i":-30.62896} {}
An empty object marks the end of the stream
TO DO … MUX commands