API Reference
This module implements the serial interface to the Rodeostat open source Potentiostat.
- copyright:
2017 by IO Rodeo
- license:
MIT, see LICENSE.txt for more details.
- exception potentiostat.potentiostat.DataDecodeException
- class potentiostat.potentiostat.Potentiostat(port, timeout=2.0)
Provides a high level interface for serial communications with the Rodeostat.
- Parameters:
port (str) – serial port associated with the Rodeostat, e.g. /dev/ttyACM0, COM1, etc.
- Keyword Arguments:
timeout (float) – serial port ready timeout (seconds)
- disconnect_all_mux_elect()
Disconnects all electrodes (reference, counter and working) when using the multiplexer expansion hardware.
- get_all_curr_range()
Gets a list of all current ranges supported by the device.
- Returns:
all available current ranges as str e.g., [‘1uA’, 10uA’, ‘100uA’, ‘1000uA’]
- Return type:
- get_all_elect_connected()
Gets the connected state (True/False) of all the electrodes (referene, counter and working). Only True if all are connected. This feature requires hardware version >= HW0.2
- Returns:
connected stat of all electrodes (from device), True/False
- Return type:
- get_all_volt_range()
Gets a list of the voltage ranges supported by the device.
- Returns:
available voltage ranges, e.g., [‘1V’, ‘2V’, ‘5V’, ‘10V’]
- Return type:
- get_auto_connect()
Gets the value of the device’s auto-connect/auto-disconnect setting.
- Returns:
autoconnect state (from device), True/False
- Return type:
- get_ctr_elect_connected()
Gets the connected state (True/False) of the counter electrode. This feature requires hardware version >= HW0.2
- Returns:
connection state of counter electrode (from device), True/False
- Return type:
- get_curr()
Gets an immediate measurement of the working electrode current.
- Returns:
working electrode current, units (uA)
- Return type:
- get_curr_range()
Gets the device’s range setting for measuring working electrode current (uA).
- Returns:
working electrode current range setting (from device), e.g., ‘10uA’
- Return type:
- get_device_id()
Gets the current value of the device identification number
- Returns:
device identification number
- Return type:
- get_enabled_mux_channels()
Get the list of currently enabled multiplexer working electrode channels
- Returns:
enabled mux channels (from device).
- Return type:
- get_firmware_version()
Gets the version string for the firmware on the device.
- Returns:
firmware version, e.g. ‘FW0.0.8’
- Return type:
- get_hardware_variant()
Returns a string representing the hardware variant.
- Returns:
hardware variant, e.g. ‘10V_microAmpV0.2’
- Return type:
- get_hardware_version()
Returns string representing the hardware version.
- Returns:
hardware version, e.g., ‘V0.2’
- Return type:
- get_mux_ctr_elect_connected()
Returns the connected state (True or False) of the counter electrode when using the multiplexer expansion hardware.
- Returns:
connection state of mux counter electrode (from device), True/False
- Return type:
- get_mux_enabled()
Get multiplexer expansion hardware enabled state
- Returns:
enable state of mux hardware (from device), True/Fasle
- Return type:
- get_mux_ref_elect_connected()
Gets the connected state (True/False) of the reference electrode when using the multiplexer expansion hardware.
- Returns:
connection state of mux reference electrode (from device), True/False
- Return type:
- get_mux_test_names()
Gets the list of tests which are compatible with the multiplexer expansion hardware
- Returns:
tests compatible with multiplexer
- Return type:
- get_mux_wrk_elect_connected()
Returns the connected state (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or False) of the working electrode when using the multiplexer expansion hardware.
- Returns:
connection state of mux working electrode.
- Return type:
- get_param(testname)
Returns the current values of the parameters for the specified voltammetric test.
- Parameters:
testname (str) – name of voltammetric test, e.g., ‘cyclic’
- Returns:
current values of test parameters
- Return type:
- get_ref_elect_connected()
Gets the connected state (True/False) of the reference electrode. This feature requires hardware version >= HW0.2
- Returns:
connected state of the reference electrode (from device), True/False
- Return type:
- get_ref_elect_volt_range()
Gets the device’s voltage range setting for the reference electrode analog input.
- Returns:
reference electrode voltage range returnd by device
- Return type:
- get_ref_volt()
Gets an immediate measurement of the potential between the working and reference electrode.
- Returns:
potential between working and reference electrode, units (V)
- Return type:
- get_sample_period()
Gets the current value for the sample period (ms). The sample period is the time between samples.
- Returns:
sample period (from device), units (ms)
- Return type:
- get_sample_rate()
Gets the measurement sample period (Hz). Note, the sample rate is 1/sample_period.
- Returns:
sample rate (from device), unit (Hz)
- Return type:
- get_test_done_time(test, timeunit='ms')
Gets the time in seconds required to complete the specified test including any quietTime, etc.
- Parameters:
test (str) – test name, e.g., ‘cyclic’
- Keyword Arguments:
timeunit (str) – units to use for time, ‘ms’ (default) or ‘s’
- Returns:
time required for test, int if timeunit==’ms’, float if timeunit==’s’
- Return type:
- get_test_names()
Gets the list of the names of all tests which can be performed by the device with the current firmware.
- Returns:
names of all available tests.
- Return type:
- get_volt()
Returns the output voltage setting, i.e, the potential between the working and reference electrode.
- Returns:
output voltage setting, units (V)
- Return type:
- get_volt_range()
Gets the current value for the output voltage range (V).
- Returns:
voltage range (from device)
- Return type:
- get_wrk_elect_connected()
Gets the connected state (True/False) of the working electrode. This feature requires hardware version >= HW0.2
- Returns:
connection state of working electrode (from device), True/False
- Return type:
- run_test(testname, param=None, filename=None, on_data=None, display='pbar', timeunit='s', max_decode_err=0)
Runs the test with specified test name and returns the time, voltage and current data.
- Parameters:
testname (str) – name of test to run, e.g., ‘cyclic’, ‘constant’, linearSweep’
- Keyword Arguments:
param (dict) – parameter settings for test, the default is None in which case the current values are used.
filename (str) – name of output file for saving data
on_data (function) – callback function called on arrival of new data from the device. This function takes four arguments: chan, t, volt, and curr.
display (str) – output display mode, display==’pbar’ show a progressbar, display==’data’ shows a text stream and display==’’ shows nothing
timeunit (str) – units for time values, if timeunit==’s’ then time values are in seconds otherwise if timeunit==’ms’ then time values are is milliseconds.
max_decode_err (int) – maximum number of allowed json decode errors during streaming before an exception (DataDecodeException) is rasied. If max_decode_err=0 (default) then no decode errors are allowed. If max_decode_err=None (default) then exceptions will not be triggered and decode errors will pass silently.
- Returns:
data acquired during test.
When the multiplexer is disabled a tuple (t,volt,curr) of lists is returned containing the measurement times (s), voltages (V) and currents (uA) respectively
When the multiplexer is enabled run_test returns a dictionary containing the measured data for each channel. The keys of the dictionary returned are the enabled channel numbers and the values are dictionaries with the time, voltage and current measurments for that channel, keyed by ‘t’, ‘v’, and ‘i’ respectively.
- Return type:
- send_cmd(cmd_dict, rsp=True)
Sends a command to the device. Low-level method - command is specified using command dictionary.
- Parameters:
cmd_dict (dict) – commands to be sent to the device, e.g., {‘command’: ‘getVersion’}
- Returns:
JSON response message from device converted to a dictionary.
For example, the response to {‘command’: ‘getVersion’} might be {‘success’: True, ‘response’: {‘command’: ‘getVersion’, ‘version’: ‘FW0.0.8’}}
- Return type:
- set_all_elect_connected(value)
Sets the connected state (True/False) of all the electrodes (referene, counter and working). This feature requires hardware version >= HW0.2
- Parameters:
value (bool) – desired connection state of all electrodes.
- Returns:
connection state of all electrodes (from device), True/False
- Return type:
- set_auto_connect(value)
Set auto-connect/auto-disconnect feature. If auto-connect is set to True then the ref, ctr and wrk electrodes will be automatically connected at the beginning of each test and automatically disconnected at the end of each test.
- Parameters:
value (bool) – desired value for autoconnect, True/False
- Returns:
autoconnect state (from device), True/False
- Return type:
- set_ctr_elect_connected(value)
Sets the connected state (True/False) of the counter electrode. This feature requires hardware version >= HW0.2
- Parameters:
value (bool) – desired connection state for counter electrode, True/False
- Returns:
connected state of counter electrode (from device), True/False
- Return type:
- set_curr_range(curr_range)
Sets the range setting for measuring working electrode (uA).
- Parameters:
curr_range (str) – the desired workign electrode current range setting, e.g., ‘10uA’
- Returns:
working electrode current range setting (from device), e.g. ‘10uA’
- Return type:
- set_device_id(device_id)
Sets the current value of the device identification number.
- Parameters:
device_id (int) – desired value for device identification number
- Returns:
device identification number (from device).
- Return type:
- set_enabled_mux_channels(channels)
Enables the specified subset of multiplexer working electrode channels
- Parameters:
channels (list) – list of mux channels to enable, e.g., [1,2,5]
- Returns:
enabled mux channels (from device).
- Return type:
- set_mux_ctr_elect_connected(value)
Sets the connected state (True or False) of the counter electrode when using the multiplexer expansion hardware.
- Parameters:
value (bool) – desired connection state for mux counter electrode, True/Fasle
- Returns:
connection state of mux counter electrode (from device), True/False
- Return type:
- set_mux_enabled(value)
Enable/Disables the multiplexer expansion hardware
- Parameters:
value (bool) – desired enable state of mux hardware, True/False
- Returns:
enable state of mux hardware (from device), True/Fasle
- Return type:
- set_mux_ref_elect_connected(value)
Sets the connected state (True/False) of the reference electrode when using the multiplexer expansion hardware.
- Parameters:
value (bool) – desired connection for mux reference electrode, True/False
- Returns:
connection state of mux reference electrode (from device), True/False
- Return type:
- set_mux_wrk_elect_connected(value)
Sets the connected state (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or False) of the working electrode when using the multiplexer expansion hardware.
- Parameters:
value (int/bool) – desired connection state for mux working electrode.
- Returns:
connection state of mux working electrode.
- Return type:
- set_param(testname, param)
Sets the parameters for the specified voltammetric test.
- Parameters:
testname (str) – name of voltammetric test
param (dict) – desired test parameters
- Returns:
test parameters for testname (from device)
- Return type:
- set_ref_elect_connected(value)
Sets the connected state (True/False) of the reference electrode. This feature requires hardware version >= HW0.2
- Parameters:
value (bool) – desired connected state of reference electrode
- Returns:
connected state of the reference electrode (from device), True/False
- Return type:
- set_ref_elect_volt_range(volt_range)
Sets the voltage range for the reference electrode analog input.
- Parameters:
volt_range (str) – desired voltage range, e.g., ‘5V’
- Returns:
reference electrode voltage range returnd by device
- Return type:
- set_sample_period(sample_period)
Sets the sample period (ms) used for measurements. The sample period is the time between samples.
- Parameters:
sample_period (int) – desired sample period, units (ms)
- Returns:
sample period (from device), units (ms)
- Return type:
- set_sample_rate(sample_rate)
Sets the measurement sample rate (Hz). Note, this is an alternative way to set the sample period.
- Parameters:
sample_rate (float) – desired sample rate, units (Hz)
- Returns:
sample rate (from device), unit (Hz)
- Return type:
- set_volt(volt)
Sets the output voltage setting, i.e., the potential between the working and reference electrode.
- Parameters:
volt (float) – output voltage setting, units (V)
- Returns:
output voltage setting, units (V)
- Return type:
- set_volt_range(volt_range)
Sets the output voltage range (V)- used when setting output voltage manually.
- Parameters:
volt_range (str) – desired output voltage range, e.g., ‘1V’
- Returns:
voltage range (from device)
- Return type:
- set_wrk_elect_connected(value)
Sets the connected state (True/False) of the working electrode. This feature requires hardware version >= HW0.2
- Parameters:
value (bool) – desired connection state for working electrode, True/False
- Returns:
connection state of working electrode (from device), True/False
- Return type:
- stop_test(rsp=True)
Stops (any) currently running tests.